Where are Maaza’s products available?
Maaza is available almost everywhere! We strive to make our products available at as many different supermarket chains and Tokos as possible. To find out the exact availability of our products, we recommend you to check the websites of the supermarket chains.

Are there gluten/lactose or other allergies in Maaza?
No. All of our products are free of gluten-containing grains, egg, peanut, tree nuts, soy and milk (including lactose).

Does Maaza fit within a vegetarian and vegan diet?
Yes, there are no animal ingredients used in (the preparation of) our products.

What is concentrate?
Concentrate is juice from which some of the water has been extracted so that it can be transported more easily. This extraction of water is done under vacuum to maintain optimal quality. Concentrate therefore allows us to squeeze the fruit within 24 hours of picking, so that flavor, vitamins and minerals are preserved at their best. Overall, using concentrate reduces CO2 emissions by 39.5% compared to juice that does not use concentrate! So concentrates are also much less harmful to the environment!

What is the best way to store Maaza’s products?
Our products are best stored in a dark and cool place. After opening, the products should be kept refrigerated (max. 7°C). After opening, Maaza variants can be kept for three to four days. The number of days also depends on the hygiene with which the pack is surrounded.

Do  Maaza juices contain preservatives?
To make our juices last longer, the juice is lightly pasteurized (heated briefly) and then packaged. So nothing else is added!

Maaza now has a new Aloe Vera drink. It has bits in it. Is that correct?
Yes, the Aloe Vera drink contains Aloe Vera gel pieces. This is actually the flesh/core of the leaves, and that’s part of a real Aloe Vera drink!

What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera is a cactus-like succulent plant, juice from this plant comes from the pulp of the leaves of the plant.
